Earth Is Calling

Earth Is Calling We are blessed to inhabit this beautiful planet called Earth. Our mother earth have properly cared for each and every children of her by maintaining a balance between them and helping them to thrive in each other's presence but like a spoiled child we have ruined the family, damaged its members and broke the balance of this big family. The mother hurts the most when family breaks and similar thing is happening to mother Earth, she is hurt, wounded and calling us to heal her wounds. Since we are responsible for her condition only we can bring change in it. We so called intelligent species of this planet need to use our intellect for its betterment. When even a leaf fell down and comes to me, I embrace it, helps it to regenerate again into tree, You cut a tree a son of my soil, clears the forest with earnest toil, making me barren letting me doomed I am calling to heal my wound. A river swiftly flows moisten my skin, Quenc...