Mein Jise Odhta - Bichata Hun

में जिसे ओढ़ता - बिछाता हूँ। (Mein Jise Odhta - Bichata Hun) - The One With Which I Am Frequent With - Dushyant Kumar Dushyant Kumar is most popular for his sher 'Ho Kahin Bhi Aag Lekin Aag Jalni Chahiye' . This ghazal 'Mein Jise Odhta-Bichata Hun' is a romantic one where poet is describing his love. Third couplet is used as a song in the recent released movie 'Masaan'. Poet describes this poem as his favorite one. He said that he forgets everything in his eyes and shivers when she passes across him. He said that people don't let him come out to express his love but his efforts have increased even more after closing of one door. He feels more closer to her in his attempt to forget her and in the end he said that he was an angel who would carry on with the relationship even though she didn't want it to continue. Here I have translated it for better understanding. मैं जिसे ओढ़ता-बिछाता हूँ, वो ग़ज़ल आपको सुनाता हूँ। Mein Jise Odhta ...