Ibn-e-Maryam Hua Kare Koi

इब्न-ए-मरियम हुआ करे कोई। (Ibn-e-Mariyam Hua Kare Koi) Let Someone Be Messiah of This Age - Mirza Ghalib This Mirza Ghalib ghazal is repentance of loving a heartless beloved. He said that for him one who can cure this pain of love is Messiah (Son of Mary - Jesus). He found no remedy of his pain but to lament throughout his life in that situation because he has also characterized his beloved who offers no solution. I have tried to translate it there with reference from +Rekhta . For better understanding of this ghazal visit : Ibn-e-Maryam Hua Kare Koi - Mirza Ghalib इब्न-ए-मरयम हुआ करे कोई, मेरे दुख की दवा करे कोई। Ibn-e-Maryam Hua Kare Koi Mere Dukh Ki Dava Kare Koi Let someone be Messiah (son of Mary - Jesus) of this age, if he can't cure my pain why would with him I attach. शरअ' ओ आईन पर मदार सही, ऐसे क़ातिल का क्या करे कोई। Shara-o-Aain Par Madar Sahi, Aise Qatil Ka Kya Kare Koi. As far a...