Woh Eid, Eid Na Hogi

वो ईद, ईद न होगी। (Woh Eid, Eid Na Hogi.) Covid Era is a different time and we are experiencing the things differently. Our lifestyles has changed, the way world behaving has changed and it has also changed the way Eid will be celebrated this year. The feast of fasting (Eid Ul Fitr ) will not come with Feast,Fun, Sharing, Caring and meeting our loved ones. But we still make it happier by doing our part in helping the weaker sections of the society which we must do. As a writer and poet I have celebrated this by writing this poem which I am sharing here. Happy Eid. जब तेरी दीद न होगी, फिर ईद, वो ईद न होगी। Jab Teri Deed Na Hogi, Phir Eid, Eid Eid Na Hogi. रात में तनहा चाँद का दीदार तो हो जाएगा, मुबारक़बाद देने को मगर मोहल्ला न चिल्लाएगा, चाँद रात पर जब ज़रूरी ख़रीद न होगी, फिर ईद, वो ईद न होगी। Raat Mein Tanha Chand Ka Deedar To Ho Jaega, Mubarakbad Dene Ko Magar Mohalla Na Chillaega, Chand Raat Par Jab Zaroori Kh...