The Gone Year (2014)

The Gone Year (2014) 2014 has come to an end. Each year that passed leave some memories whether good or bad which makes it remarkable. This year saw rise of a common man ( Arvind Kejriwal ) and also his fall, people voted a man to power who was once charged for instigating riots ( Narender Modi ) for his charisma.Things like a cowardly act of terrorism ( Peshawar ), differentiation due to color leading to riots ( Ferguson ), spread of a deadly disease( Ebola ), disappearance of a plane ( MH370 ), death of a young cricketer ( Philip Hughes ) ,etc were sorrowful while the things like world standing as one against terrorism, everyone supporting a cause ( Ice bucket challenge ), first satellite on an asteroid, cheapest ride to mars ( Mars Orbiter Mission, India), Germany's Football world Cup win, etc were cheerful. This poem is walking down the memory lane to give some jovial and mournful moments and welcoming the new year with new zeal. Happy New Year to all. Like ev...